One Parisian’s trash is another’s new vintage lamp...

The neighbourhood brocante in Paris falls somewhere between an antique market and a garage sale. Divided by arrondissement, locals and professionals are invited to partake in the idea that one man’s trash is another’s treasure. While some go to sift through second-hand goods in the search of a bargain buy, others take advantage of the event to spend time with friends and unload unused possessions.


The beauty of a brocante is that nothing is off-limits to sell. Whether it be a ‘grow your own boyfriend’ kit or an empty perfume bottle, there is bound to be someone who is creative or compulsive enough to purchase it.


As one friend recently put it as she stood beside her table of knick-knacks and clothing, “It’s insane, people will buy anything”. Later, a customer walked off into the warm May afternoon with a ski suit circa 1985.


Aside from hawking unwanted items, a brocante or vide grenier (which literally translates to “empty attic“), is simply a great way to spend an afternoon with loved ones. Grab a few bottles of rosé, maybe some saucisson or other snacks to transform the day into an extended apéro with close friends or family.


Renting a space for a stand is fairly simple, but the price can vary per square metre depending on the event. Signing up ahead of time is advisable, as apparently spots go fast.


To see when the next brocante or vide grenier is taking place in your arrondissement, check out Paris' city hall website or




Photos courtesy of the beautiful and talented Ségolene Malterre.

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